Kennel information: z Krahule

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Mitrová Eva, Mgr.

Country: Česká republika

Region: Jihočeský


Number of litters: 2

Number of puppies: 17

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter B / 29. 3. 2014
Mother: Arissa z Kraje pestrého kamení
Father: Argo Káranský blesk
Baloo z Krahulemaleblond----
Barney z Krahulemalebg----
Basco z Krahulemalebg----
Bazeckie z Krahulemalebg----
Blackjack z Krahulemaleblack----
Bowie z Krahulemaleblond----
Broderick z Krahulemalebg----
Byron z Krahulemaleblack----
Bella z Krahulefemaleblond----
Bessi z Krahulefemaleblond----
Litter A / 5. 1. 2006
Mother: Blanka od Hrnčířského kruhu
Father: Artur z Duhového kopce
Alf z Krahulemalebg----
Artuš z Krahulemalebg----
Athos z Krahulemalebg----
Atrei z Krahulemalebg----
Agáta z KrahulefemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Ariana z KrahulefemalebgHD a(0/0)not accepted for breeding
Aura z Krahulefemalebg----

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