Kennel information: z Úhoru CS

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Wolfová Eva

Country: Česká republika

Region: Moravskoslezský


Number of litters: 4

Number of puppies: 18

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter D / 21. 2. 1995
Mother: Anita Čenda CS
Father: Afric Zelené Karpaty
Dante z Úhoru CSmalebg----
Dave z Úhoru CSmalebg----
Devon z Úhoru CSmalebg----
Dorian z Úhoru CSmalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Darinka z Úhoru CSfemaleblond----
Dominika z Úhoru CSfemaleblond----
Litter C / 28. 6. 1993
Mother: Anita Čenda CS
Father: Agi Kentaur CS
Cedra z Úhoru CSfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Litter B / 8. 1. 1992
Mother: Anita Čenda CS
Father: Asko Tyrus CS
Bojar z Úhoru CSmalebg----
Bára z Úhoru CSfemalebg----
Batta z Úhoru CSfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Bibi z Úhoru CSfemaleblond-accepted for breeding
Brigita z Úhoru CSfemaleblond----
Bruna z Úhoru CSfemaleblond----
Litter A / 25. 3. 1990
Mother: Anita Čenda CS
Father: Asko Tyrus CS
Albion z Úhoru CSmaleblondHD c(2/0)---
Akra z Úhoru CSfemaleHD a(0/0)---
Alia z Úhoru CSfemaleHD a(0/0)---
Arnika z Úhoru CSfemaleHD c(2/2)---
Aysha z Úhoru CSfemaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding

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