Offsprings: Gregor v. Völkerschlachtdenkmal

Sex: male

Colour: black and gold

Breeding test code:


sexblackblack and goldblondin total
in total311418

Participated in youth assessment: 8 [44.44%]

Accepted for breeding: 6 [33.33%]

Number of registered offsprings: 18

namesexcolouryouth assessment codeBT codebreeding statusHD
Litter G v. Nadjangrund / 29. 4. 2007
Mother: Draxi v. Nadjangrund [black and gold, BT code: , HD: HD A1]
Gandalf v. Nadjangrundmaleblond--accepted for breeding-
Gira v. Nadjangrundfemalebg--accepted for breedingHD A1
Litter J Barte Prim / 8. 10. 2006
Mother: Arizona Dragonlance [black, BT code: 5/1a/A3,A4/BA, HD: HD a(0/0)]
Jeff Barte Primmalebg5/2a5/2c/A3,D2,K1,O2/Saccepted for breedingHD a(0/0)
Jean-Francis Barte Primfemaleblack------
Jeana-Conie Barte Primfemaleblack5/1a5/1a/D2,S5/Saccepted for breedingHD b(1/1)
Jesabell Barte Primfemalebg5/2a5/2a,4a/L4,S1,S5/Saccepted for breedingHD a(0/0)
Litter D Gold Premio / 26. 8. 2006
Mother: Shakira Gasko Prim [black, BT code: 5/1a/A4,C2,G3/BA, HD: HD a(0/0)]
Darvin Gold Premiomalebg------
Dennis Gold Premiomalebg------
Dandee Gold Premiomaleblond------
Donner Gold Premiomaleblond5/3b,4a-----
Droopy Gold Premiomaleblond5/3b----HD a(0/0)
Daisy Gold Premiofemaleblack------
Destiny Gold Premiofemalebg5/2a4/2a/G1,K1,L4,S1/Saccepted for breeding
with restrictions
HD b(1/1)
Dominika Gold Premiofemalebg------
Dreamy Gold Premiofemalebg5/2a,4f5/2a/L4/BAaccepted for breedingHD a(0/0)
Duffy Gold Premiofemalebg------
Litter L v. Völkerschlachtdenkmal / 7. 3. 2006
Mother: Donka v. Märchenhof [black, BT code: , HD: HD A1]
Luk v. Völkerschlachtdenkmalmalebg--accepted for breedingHD A1
Litter R v.d. Hausbergkante / 21. 12. 2004
Mother: Numi v.d. Hausbergkante [black, BT code: , HD: ]
Roxy v.d. Hausbergkantefemalebg5/2a5/2a/K4/BBaccepted for breedingHD a(0/0)

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