Kennel information: Jezkowicz
Breeder's information
Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.
Name: Ježková Šárka
Country: Česká republika
Region: Středočeský
Number of litters: 1
Number of puppies: 13
name | sex | colour | HD | breeding status |
Litter A / 7. 11. 2006 | ||||
Mother: Anda Katčina smečka | ||||
Father: Ivanhoe Royal Safe | ||||
Acer Jezkowicz | male | black | HD a(0/0) | --- |
Ada Jezkowicz | male | bg | HD a(0/0) | accepted for breeding |
Adonis Jezkowicz | male | bg | - | --- |
Agonis Jezkowicz | male | bg | - | --- |
Alnus Jezkowicz | male | black | - | --- |
Anemon Jezkowicz | male | black | - | --- |
Argemon Jezkowicz | male | black | - | --- |
Áron Jezkowicz | male | black | - | --- |
Arundo Jezkowicz | male | black | - | --- |
Abelia Jezkowicz | female | bg | - | --- |
Aralia Jezkowicz | female | bg | - | --- |
Arnica Jezkowicz | female | black | HD a(0/0) | accepted for breeding |
Azorina Jezkowicz | female | blond | - | --- |