Kennel information: Bohemia Choc

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Chocová Pavlína

Country: Česká republika

Region: Liberecký


Number of litters: 2

Number of puppies: 19

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter B / 30. 12. 2001
Mother: Frona z Páralovy zahrady
Father: All Tiger Black Mondeo
Barnie Bohemia ChocmaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Bazaar Bohemia Chocmaleblond----
Berthold Bohemia Chocmalebg----
Beryll Bohemia ChocmalebgHD a(0/0)---
Blackie Bohemia Chocmalebg----
Barbara Bohemia ChocfemaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Bella Bohemia Chocfemaleblond----
Bessi Bohemia Chocfemalebg----
Brenda Bohemia Chocfemalebg-accepted for breeding
Brixa Bohemia Chocfemalebg----
Litter A / 30. 8. 1999
Mother: Frona z Páralovy zahrady
Father: Cäsar v.d. Koboldshütte
Archibald Bohemia Chocmaleblond----
Athos Bohemia Chocmalebg----
Atrei Bohemia Chocmaleblond----
Adelaide Bohemia ChocfemalebgHD c(1/2)accepted for breeding
Aida Bohemia Chocfemaleblond----
Annabela Bohemia ChocfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Annie Bohemia Chocfemaleblond----
Aschka Bohemia ChocfemaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Ayra Bohemia Chocfemaleblond----

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