Kennel information: Rosad

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Šnajdr Marek

Country: Česká republika

Region: Jihomoravský


Number of litters: 3

Number of puppies: 20

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter C / 8. 5. 2001
Mother: Daissy Plavý květ CS
Father: Vulcan Biely démon
Cadde Rosadmaleblond----
Cäsar Rosadmaleblond----
Cid Rosadmaleblond----
Catty Rosadfemaleblond----
Cindy Rosadfemaleblond----
Connie Rosadfemaleblond----
Litter B / 24. 4. 2000
Mother: Daissy Plavý květ CS
Father: Afric Zelené Karpaty
Benny Rosadmaleblond----
Black Rosadmalebg----
Brad Rosadmaleblond----
Buddy Rosadmaleblond----
Bessy Rosadfemaleblond----
Betty Rosadfemalebg----
Bonny Rosadfemaleblond----
Brixie Rosadfemalebg----
Litter A / 10. 7. 1998
Mother: Daissy Plavý květ CS
Father: Dirty Biely démon
Andy Rosadmaleblond----
Argo RosadmaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Aron Rosadmaleblond----
Arthur Rosadmaleblond----
Ame RosadfemaleblondHD e(3/4)---
Annie Rosadfemaleblond----

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