Youth assessment information: 23. 9. 2012, Kroměříž


date of birth:18.4.2011 Litter D Aldeon [new window]
breeder:Pavel Kuskafather:Ivanhoe v. Garten der Freiheit
mother:Bleys Folcrum
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
DorisfemaleCMKU/HW/6731/11 Aleš Krč, Pozořiceblack and gold62 cm5/2a,4f/N3 zakouřené tlapy

Amijon Star

date of birth:15.6.2011 Litter B Amijon Star [new window]
breeder:Ing. Miroslav Pospíšilfather:Antek v. Wilden Jäger
mother:Cindy v. Philippsdorf
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
BeckyfemaleCMKU/HW/6647/11doc.dr. Peter Stoličný, Ostopoviceblond59 cm5/3a/E4

Gasko Prim

date of birth:5.5.2011 Litter L Gasko Prim [new window]
breeder:Lenka Svobodováfather:Argo Káranský blesk
mother:Zeta Gasko Prim
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
LaconyfemaleCMKU/HW/6586/11 Kateřina Nováková, Dvůr Králové n/Lblack and gold62 cm5/2a


date of birth:7.4.2011 Litter B Ijsbeer [new window]
breeder:Erik Celýfather:Arogant Arivalo Asso
mother:Chibeta z Budské samoty
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
BriifemaleCMKU/HW/6511/11Ing. Andrea Krajanová, Nedakoniceblack and gold61 cm5/2a slaběji vyjádřené znaky na hrudi

Stín lesa

date of birth:28.5.2011 Litter B Stín lesa [new window]
breeder:Jiří Schneiderfather:Attis z Valdeckého lesa
mother:Asta Pektorův statek
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
BessiefemaleCMKU/HW/6689/11 Petr Groh, Vřesinablack and gold59 cm5/2a/D2,E4
BonniefemaleCMKU/HW/6691/11Ing. Pavel Kulhánek, Vřesina u Hlučínablack and gold60 cm5/2a hnědý nádech srsti na hřbetě
BritafemaleCMKU/HW/6692/11 Ivana Pospěchová, Opava-Komárovblack and gold60 cm5/2a,4f

Šlovický vrch

date of birth:5.10.2011 Litter N Šlovický vrch [new window]
breeder:Jana Peclováfather:Aram z Kraje maletrého kamení
mother:Hali Šlovický vrch
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
NickmaleCMKU/HW/6725/11 Milan Dofek, Ústínblond69 cm5/3a/D2,E4


date of birth:3.12.2011 Litter D Takavorakan [new window]
breeder:Rita Horňákováfather:De' Cochise v. Tullnerbach
mother:Corina zo Šarfie
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
DiggyfemaleCMKU/HW/6806/2011 Martina Pokorná, Praha 4 - Michleblack and gold65 cm5/2a,4a/A3 vlevo dole M3

Victoria Brunensis

date of birth:9.3.2012 Litter B Victoria Brunensis [new window]
breeder:MVDr. Jolana Kaplanováfather:Dex v. Schondratal
mother:Barchetta Mílas Moravia
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
Berry BrittenmaleCMKU/HW/6854/12 Sandra Matoušková, Brnoblack and gold60 cm5/2a ocas po úrazu kratší - doklad veterinář
BaricafemaleCMKU/HW/6855/12MUDr. Juraj Rektor, Přerovblack and gold60 cm5/2a
BriafemaleCMKU/HW/6856/12MVDr. Jolana Kaplanová, Brnoblack and gold61 cm5/2a,4a/N3


date of birth:11.12.2011 Litter B Vrtichvost [new window]
breeder:Dagmar Vantuchováfather:Darcius Gasko Prim
mother:Angie Vrtichvost
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
BrixmaleCMKU/HW/6791/11MUDr. Eva Balážová, Bratislavablond67 cm5/3a/E4,N3
BeggyfemaleCMKU/HW/6793/11 Ladislav Grygar, Oticeblack and gold63 cm5/2a/D2,E4,N3
BellafemaleCMKU/HW/6794/11Ing. Jana Vrbicová, Palkoviceblack and gold59 cm5/2a,4f/D2,N3
BonniefemaleCMKU/HW/6795/11 Jana Tučníková, Bystřičkablond62 cm5/3a/N3

Wicca Gabreta

date of birth:28.2.2012 Litter B Wicca Gabreta [new window]
breeder:Eva Kotálováfather:Brennus Nova Merigo
mother:Finlandia Šédedab
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
BellorafemaleCMKU/HW/6842/12 Tomáš Kučera, Olomouc, Kožušany-Tážalyblack57 cm5/1a/D2
BeylafemaleCMKU/HW/6844/12 Markéta Kožená, Rohatecblond59 cm5/3a/E4

z Kruplova

date of birth:20.3.2012 Litter A z Kruplova [new window]
breeder:Jaroslav Mynářfather:Aslan z Kraje maletrého kamení
mother:Cesy z Času růže
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
AtiyafemaleCMKU/HW/6860/12Mgr. Ivana Dybalová, Petřvaldblack60 cm5/1a/D2,N3

z Lašské brány

date of birth:21.12.2011 Litter D z Lašské brány [new window]
breeder:Oldřich Nenutilfather:Ax Corraki Moravia
mother:Axis Alamo Negro
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
DerkmaleCMKU/HW/6803/11 Martin Cohla, Uherský Brodblack and gold66 cm5/2a/N3

z Páralovy zahrady

date of birth:16.6.2011

No picture available.

breeder:Ing. Luděk Novákfather:Chivas z Budské samoty
mother:Lady z Páralovy zahrady
namesexpedigree no.ownercolourheightyouth assessment code
MillyfemaleCMKU/HW/6642/11MVDr., Ph.D. Svatopluk Čech, Kaniceblack and gold62 cm5/2a/N3

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Youth assessments

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