Kennel information: Carpathia Heart

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Žákovič Marek

Country: Slovensko


As this is a foreign kennel, the information is limited to dogs imported to the Czech Republic or those appearing in some pedigree.

Number of registered puppies: 5

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter C / 6. 4. 2017
Mother: Aisy Carpathia Heart
Father: Totus Tuus Hovki Lusi
Canny Carpathia Heartmaleblond----
Litter B / 14. 5. 2014
Mother: Aimie Sagbariam
Father: Hobo v. Schondratal
Brandy Carpathia HeartfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Litter A / 28. 4. 2013
Mother: Aimie Sagbariam
Father: Ecco v. Tyrolsberg
Aik Carpathia HeartmaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Amaro Carpathia HeartmaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Aisy Carpathia Heartfemaleblack----

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