Kennel information: Kris-Ve-Mar

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Žákovská Monika

Country: Česká republika

Note.: dřívější příjmení: Marková


Number of litters: 18

Number of puppies: 135

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter R / 22. 5. 2016
Mother: Aireen z Nové loučky
Father: Atila Alisante
Ritchi Kris-Ve-Marmaleblack----
Rocco Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Roy Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Randy Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Rebecca Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Ressie Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Roxy Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Litter P / 10. 3. 2014
Mother: Iris Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Amor Carnovia Silesia
Porthos Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Litter O / 16. 11. 2012
Mother: Iris Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Assan Teresie Bohemia
Orisse Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Litter N / 4. 2. 2010
Mother: Iris Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Nasthus Animagus
Nasty Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Ned Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD a(0/0)---
Nick Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Noris Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Norton Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Natty Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Nely Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Nicky Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Noreen Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Litter M / 1. 2. 2010
Mother: Hermína Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Acer z Prorub
Mat Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Matthew Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD a(0/0)---
May Bee Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Megy Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Michelle Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Molly Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Litter L / 8. 2. 2009
Mother: Hermína Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Kody Plavý vítr
Lancelot Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Larsen Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Lex Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Lucián Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Lambency Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Lessie Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Loren Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Luccienne Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Litter K / 30. 1. 2008
Mother: Hermína Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Calderon Moravia Hovacor
Kairo Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Kass Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Kenneth Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Kenny Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Kent Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Kim Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Kirr Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Kondor Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Kasima Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Katy Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Kelly Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Kerstin Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Litter J / 7. 2. 2007
Mother: Hermína Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Calderon Moravia Hovacor
James Bond Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Jeffrey Hurican Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Jerry Lee Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Jumper Baskerwill Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Justin Black night Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Janet Happy live Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Jennifer Black night Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Jessica Queen Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Jessie Nice girl Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Litter I / 15. 3. 2006
Mother: Cita Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Grand z Páralovy zahrady
Igar Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Ivor Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Iris Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
with restrictions
Isabela Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Litter C / 24. 2. 2005
Mother: Cita Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Bertram Adamův hrádek
Charley Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Charon Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD b(1/1)---
Chase Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Chariot Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Chelsea Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Litter H / 9. 5. 2003
Mother: Cita Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Grand z Páralovy zahrady
Hardy Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Harry Kris-Ve-MarmaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Huckleberry Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Hug Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Harriet Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Hermína Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Litter G / 29. 3. 2002
Mother: Cita Kris-Ve-Mar
Father: Ajax Zlaté oko
Gass Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD a(0/0)---
Gelmar Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Gody Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Grey Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Gatia Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Girma Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Gria Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Gvendy Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Litter F / 25. 2. 2001
Mother: Blondy Noble z Košířského vrchu CS
Father: Bixa Lumen
Far Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Fiord Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Flipper Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Flynn Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Forest Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Frederick Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Fany Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Faty Kris-Ve-Marfemale----
Felon Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD b(1/1)accepted for breeding
with restrictions
Freya Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Litter E / 23. 3. 2000
Mother: Blondy Noble z Košířského vrchu CS
Father: Art Veterné údolie
Edgar Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Elion Kris-Ve-MarmaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Elvis Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Enrico Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Ervin Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Ethien Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Eton Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Elisabeth Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Elmira Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Euridika Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Litter D / 6. 5. 1999
Mother: Blondy Noble z Košířského vrchu CS
Father: All Tiger Black Mondeo
Daeron Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Dagnir Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Douglas Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Dafne Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD b(1/1)---
Delicia Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Denethor Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Dessy Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Dolly Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD c(0/2)accepted for breeding
with restrictions
Doreen Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Litter C / 14. 5. 1998
Mother: Blondy Noble z Košířského vrchu CS
Father: Cäsar v.d. Koboldshütte
Cedrik Kris-Ve-MarmaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Cicero Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Cirt Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD b(1/0)---
Condor Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Cyrus Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD a(0/0)---
Cassima Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD b(1/0)---
Caty Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD b(1/0)accepted for breeding
Cita Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Coleta Kris-Ve-Marfemaleblond----
Connie Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Litter B / 4. 11. 1996
Mother: Blondy Noble z Košířského vrchu CS
Father: Diabollo Biely démon
Bad Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Barney Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Bergon Kris-Ve-MarmaleblondHD c(2/0)---
Bodie Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Brian Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Brit Kris-Ve-MarmalebgHD c(2/0)---
Bára Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Bianka Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD d(3/2)---
Blondella Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Boneta Kris-Ve-MarfemaleblondHD d(3/0)---
Brandy Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Litter A / 13. 10. 1996
Mother: Ajka Modrý plamen CS
Father: Cäsar v.d. Koboldshütte
Adam Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Adonis Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Akim Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Argos Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Art Kris-Ve-Marmalebg----
Atrey Kris-Ve-Marmaleblond----
Afrodité Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Alanis Kris-Ve-Marfemalebg----
Assima Kris-Ve-MarfemalebgHD e(4/4)---

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