Kennel information: od Dabele

Breeder's details

Breeder is a member of the Czech HW club.

Mgr. Ilona Fröhlichová, Petrov u Prahy
Region: Středočeský
Phone: 723654070
Mobile: 723 654 070


Number of litters: 4

Number of puppies: 35

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter D / 25. 5. 2013
Mother: Four Roses Šédedab
Father: Darcius Gasko Prim
Darcel od Dabelemalebg----
Dark od DabelemaleblackHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Dax od Dabelemaleblack----
Dee od Dabelefemaleblond----
Dixie od Dabelefemalebg----
Litter C / 18. 11. 2011
Mother: Four Roses Šédedab
Father: Assan Teresie Bohemia
Camus od Dabelemalebg----
Cay od Dabelemaleblack----
Clark od Dabelemalebg----
Caibi od Dabelefemaleblack----
Caien od Dabelefemaleblack----
Clarisa od Dabelefemalebg----
Clea od Dabelefemaleblond----
Corin od Dabelefemaleblack----
Corry od DabelefemalebgHD a(0/0)TBD
Crystlle od Dabelefemalebg----
Cynthie od Dabelefemaleblack----
Litter B / 29. 5. 2010
Mother: Ashari Yrtep
Father: Albi Katveri
Badis od Dabelemalebg----
Barnie od Dabelemaleblack----
Bastien od Dabelemaleblond----
Brice od Dabelemaleblack----
Brit od Dabelemaleblond----
Baboo od Dabelefemaleblond----
Baya od Dabelefemaleblond----
Betsy od Dabelefemaleblack----
Bianca od Dabelefemaleblond----
Bonnie od Dabelefemaleblack----
Litter A / 5. 5. 2008
Mother: Ashari Yrtep
Father: Damián Adamův hrádek
Accor od Dabelemaleblond----
Alet od Dabelemaleblack----
Alex od Dabelemalebg----
Along od Dabelemaleblack----
Arči od Dabelemalebg----
Aron od Dabelemaleblond----
Art od Dabelemaleblond----
Abaka od DabelefemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Axilla od DabelefemaleblondHD a(0/0)---

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