Kennel information: Casariae' hov

Breeder's information

Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.

Name: Szczepaňska Agnieszka

Country: Polsko


As this is a foreign kennel, the information is limited to dogs imported to the Czech Republic or those appearing in some pedigree.

Number of registered puppies: 3

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter M / 14. 4. 2017
Mother: Medina Królewska Kraina
Father: Mirko v. Hause Luka
Margo Casariae' hovfemaleblondHD a(0/0)---
Litter S / 30. 3. 2015
Mother: Medina Królewska Kraina
Father: Baru v.d. Kurpfalzjägern
Shiro Casariae' hovmalebg-accepted for breeding
Litter C / 13. 7. 2013
Mother: Medina Królewska Kraina
Father: Nicus ex Mercator
Conor Casariae' hovmalebgHD-Aaccepted for breeding

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