Kennel information: Nabuko-JKL
Breeder's information
Owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.
Name: Kukla Ladislav
Country: Česká republika
Region: Ústecký
Number of litters: 8
Number of puppies: 43
name | sex | colour | HD | breeding status |
Litter J / 17. 6. 2000 | ||||
Mother: Anita Štorchův kraj CS | ||||
Father: Amor Nabuko CS | ||||
Jasmína Nabuko-JKL | female | bg | - | --- |
Jessika Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD b(1/1) | accepted for breeding with restrictions |
Litter I / 13. 5. 1999 | ||||
Mother: Cukra Muminí údolí CS | ||||
Father: Cäsar v.d. Koboldshütte | ||||
Ilos Nabuko-JKL | male | bg | - | --- |
Ir Nabuko-JKL | male | bg | - | --- |
Iro Nabuko-JKL | male | bg | - | --- |
Ismi Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Ilia Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Iman Nabuko-JKL | female | bg | - | --- |
Isis Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD c(1/2) | --- |
Litter C / 20. 2. 1999 | ||||
Mother: Anita Štorchův kraj CS | ||||
Father: Cäsar v.d. Koboldshütte | ||||
Chak Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Charly Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Chiko Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | HD c(2/0) | --- |
Chip Nabuko-JKL | male | bg | - | --- |
Chris Nabuko-JKL | male | bg | - | --- |
Checkie Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD b(0/1) | accepted for breeding with restrictions |
Cher Nabuko-JKL | female | bg | - | --- |
Litter H / 1. 3. 1998 | ||||
Mother: Anita Štorchův kraj CS | ||||
Father: Dusty Muminí údolí CS | ||||
Hardy Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Hasan Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | HD a(0/0) | accepted for breeding |
Henry Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | HD c(1/2) | --- |
Hanny Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD a(0/0) | accepted for breeding |
Heidy Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Litter G / 17. 3. 1997 | ||||
Mother: Anita Štorchův kraj CS | ||||
Father: Dingo Muminí údolí CS | ||||
Gaius Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Gina Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | accepted for breeding |
Goldie Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Greace Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD a(0/0) | accepted for breeding |
Litter F / 12. 3. 1997 | ||||
Mother: Cukra Muminí údolí CS | ||||
Father: Aron Štorchův kraj CS | ||||
Falco Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | HD a(0/0) | --- |
Fanto Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | HD c(2/0) | --- |
Fiddo Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | HD a(0/0) | --- |
Fortis Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Fatima Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD a(0/0) | --- |
Felis Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Fleur Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Litter E / 10. 4. 1996 | ||||
Mother: Anita Štorchův kraj CS | ||||
Father: Cadde Zelené Karpaty | ||||
Edvard Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Elton Max Nabuko-JKL | male | bg | - | --- |
Elba Nabuko-JKL | female | bg | - | --- |
Ella Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Elly Nabuko-JKL | female | bg | - | --- |
Elza Nabuko-JKL | female | bg | - | --- |
Enny Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | HD a(0/0) | accepted for breeding |
Eta Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |
Litter D / 6. 4. 1996 | ||||
Mother: Cukra Muminí údolí CS | ||||
Father: Dustyn Plavý vítr | ||||
Dante Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Dasso Nabuko-JKL | male | blond | - | --- |
Dita Nabuko-JKL | female | blond | - | --- |