Dog information: Wenty Biely démon






Biely démon

PhotoNo picture available.
FatherQuax v. Ünglinger Tor
MotherPuma Biely démon
Date of birth25. 10. 1998
Date of death-
Colourblack and gold
Breeding statusaccepted for breeding
Pedigree no.CMKU/HW/2797-01/98/01
Tattoo no.42
Chip no.-
Show resultsV
HDHD a(0/0)
Health results-

Owner's details

Dog's owner is not a member of the Czech HW club.


  • CAC
  • CAC
  • Res.CAC
  • Res.CAC


No results for working trials in the database.

Youth assessment

No information available.

Breeding test

Date and place23. 3. 2002, Kroměříž
Height64 cm
BT code4/2a,4d/B7,D2,G3,H2,L4/3
Breeding class2
Character test-
The judge for character test-
The judge for exterior test-
Active in breedingNO

DNA profile

No information available.


Number of registered siblings: 4

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter W Biely démon / 25. 10. 1998
Wander Biely démonmaleblackHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Wenty Biely démonmalebgHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Winky Biely démonfemaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Winnie Biely démonfemalebgHD a(0/0)---
Wrenny Biely démonfemaleblackHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
with restrictions


Number of registered offsprings: 20

Offsprings in detail »    

namesexcolourHDbreeding status
Litter A z Hanáckeho vrchu / 14. 1. 2002
Mother: Adelheid Logo Hastar
Aron z Hanáckeho vrchumalebg----
Art z Hanáckeho vrchumalebg----
Ariel z Hanáckeho vrchufemaleblond----
Litter G od Červené skály / 4. 4. 2001
Mother: Dedget od Říčky Bobravy CS
Gar od Červené skálymalebg----
Gavin od Červené skálymaleblond----
Geron od Červené skálymalebgHD Baccepted for breeding
Goro od Červené skálymaleblond----
Greg od Červené skálymalebg----
Gutty od Červené skálymaleblond----
Gira od Červené skályfemaleblond----
Gita od Červené skályfemaleblond----
Litter B Moravia Hovacor / 28. 3. 2001
Mother: Deizy od Říčky Bobravy CS
Barley Moravia HovacormaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Battus Moravia Hovacormaleblond----
Baxter Moravia Hovacormalebg----
Buback Moravia HovacormalebgHD b(0/1)---
Baira Moravia HovacorfemaleblondHD a(0/0)accepted for breeding
Bajka Moravia Hovacorfemaleblond----
Basia Moravia HovacorfemalebgHD b(1/0)---
Baxia Moravia HovacorfemalebgHD b(1/1)accepted for breeding
with restrictions
Bensi Moravia HovacorfemalebgHD b(1/1)accepted for breeding
with restrictions