Breeding test information: 30. 6. 2012, Mladá Boleslav

Antony Černý sen

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:18.5.2010 sex:male

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:blondpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/6178/10 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 89 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:68 cm BT code:5/3b, 4a/L6, N4/S
father:Chester Barte Prim show results:Výborný Klubová výstava, Res.CAC, CAJC, VT
mother:Ascona Bohemia Calvados trials: -
breeder:Květoslava Poláková owner: PhDr. Jana Koláčková, Praha 3

Black Beryl Kesidy

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:16.4.2009 sex:male

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:blackpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5655/09 breeding class:1 restr.: - char.test: 92 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:67,5 cm BT code:5/1a/D2, S1, S5/S
father:Nasthus Animagus show results:Výborný Klubová výstava, Grandšampión SK, Res.CAC
mother:Kesidy Plavý vítr trials: ZOP.ZZO
breeder:Mgr. Jana Baudyšová owner: Klára Štefková, Pardubice

Dares Magické oko

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:12.2.2008 sex:male

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:black and goldpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5129/08 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 96 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:68 cm BT code:5/2a, 4b/L1/S
father:Ulsan Gasko Prim show results:Výborný MVP
mother:Atesa Magické oko trials: ZOP, ZZO
breeder:Eva Raková owner: Lucie Kučerová, Kamenice - Ládví

Aimie Black Prim

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:12.6.2010 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:blondpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/6319/10 breeding class:1 restr.: - char.test: 94 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:63,5 cm BT code:5/3a/K1, L6/S
father:Bura-Cee Damirazin show results:Výborná Klubová výstava, CAC, CACIB, Res.CAC, Res.CACIB
mother:Yennie Gasko Prim trials: ZOP
breeder:Ing. Ph.D. Libuše Svobodová owner: Jaroslav Jedlička, Staré Hradiště

Aireen Zelený kruh

result: BT to be repeated
date of birth:15.5.2009 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:black and goldpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5732/09 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 67 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:63,5 cm BT code:-
father:Chester Barte Prim show results:Výborná NVP
mother:Arachné Axabell trials: ZOP
breeder:Zuzana Poláková owner: Tereza Pekařová, Oseček

Aischa Stín lesa

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:17.9.2009 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:black and goldpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5878/09 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 85 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:61 cm BT code:5/2a/D2, K1, M6, N2, S5/S
father:Blacke Sorbonne z Apollónova chrámu show results:Výborná MVP
mother:Asta Pektorův statek trials: -
breeder:Jiří Schneider owner: Monika Bláhová, Třemblat

Akira Albrechta Valdštejna

result: not accepted for breeding
date of birth:24.8.2009 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:black and goldpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5863/09 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 79 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:59 cm BT code:-
father:Charlie Šlovický vrch show results:Velmi dobrá Klubová výstava
mother:Cerrie Horské Sedlo trials: -
breeder:Ing. Ivan Petrikovich owner: Ing. Ivan Petrikovich, Cheb

Amelie z Červeného domu

result: BT to be repeated
date of birth:18.6.2006 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:blackpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/4450/06 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 67 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:61 cm BT code:-
father:Persano Gasko Prim show results:Velmi dobrá MVP
mother:Berenika Gold Premio trials: -
breeder:Ing. Miroslav Souček owner: Ing. Miroslav Souček, Kamenice

Baghira Hali Gali

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:13.11.2009 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:blackpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5936/09 breeding class:1 restr.: - char.test: 91 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:60 cm BT code:4/1a, 4a/A4, K1, L4, S1/S
father:Isungur v.d. Haardt show results:Výborná Klubová výstava, CAJC ČR, CAC ČR, CAC Německo, res. CACIB Německo, res. CACA
mother:Halka Barte Prim trials: ZOP
breeder:Tereza Mulačová owner: Tereza Mulačová, Zdiby

Daisy Daimar

result: accepted for breeding
date of birth:10.11.2009 sex:female

No picture available.

date and place:30.6.2012, Mladá Boleslav
colour:blondpedigree no.: CMKU/HW/5922/09 breeding class:- restr.: - char.test: 89 points
HD:HD a(0/0) height:63,5 cm BT code:5/3a/A3/S
father:Chester Barte Prim show results:Výborná NVP
mother:Bessy Daimar trials: -
breeder:RNDr. Dana Hybštová owner: Lenka Dušková, Chrást nad Sázavou

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Breeding tests

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